Airi - Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale

Founded in 1974, Airi (Italian Association for Industrial Research) is a non-for-profit private organization aiming at promoting industrial research and innovation and co-operation between the private and public sectors.

Airi members are large industrial enterprises and SMEs, universities, public research institutions, technology clusters and financial organizations. Given its heterogeneous composition, Airi plays an instrumental role in technology forecasting and research-policy design, and promoting responsibility and sustainability in research and innovation activities.

Airi publishes since 1995 the report “Le Innovazioni del prossimo futuro – Tecnologie prioritarie per l’industria” (Key Technologies for the Italian Industry), on the basis of the work of more than two hundred R&D Managers, to set priorities for industrial research in key economic sectors, and address sustainability goals and global challenges.

Key areas of action include:

  • Technology foresight
  • Advocacy on R&I policies, incentives, norms, and standards
  • Innovation and project management
  • Promoting STEM training and education
  • Co-creation and open innovation practices
  • Exploitation, dissemination, communication of science and technology 

Airi works in close collaboration with a wide network of national and EU R&I players covering several application sectors, such as materials and chemicals, construction, environment, energy, healthcare, ICT and microelectronics, transport, aerospace, and advanced manufacturing. 

Over the past 15 years, Airi has been very active in participating in European, national and regional initiatives and cooperative projects, and in organizing events on these themes.

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